Kayantar Foundation

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We are a group of development professionals from diverse regional and professional backgrounds who chose to work in the social sector, as they identified a diverse set of problems that exist all around us. We came together thanks to the platform of Indian School of Development Management and our passion to work for societal change connected us. We all come from or have worked in remote regions of India where, through our interaction with stakeholders and lived experience, have identified problems which we aim to address by working together with a shared vision. Write to us at: contact@kayantarfoundation.org

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Kayantar Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: 179 a (gali number 18), pratap nagar, mayur vihar, phase 1, new delhi, delhi 110091, in
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nonprofit organization management
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People working at Kayantar Foundation
Aasif Hussain
Delhi, India
Aayushi J.
Founding Director
Delhi, India
Abhishek Tyagi
Delhi, India
Chandan Kumar
Founder and Director
Delhi, India
Ritesh Ghuge
Founding team member
Delhi, India
Amaresh Belagal
Founder and Director
Delhi, India
Abhijit Patwal
Founder, Director
Delhi, India
Aditya Devashish
Member of Co-Founding team
Delhi, India
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