KB Asset Management

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KB Asset Management is an investment arm and a member company of KB Financial Group, a largest financial conglomerate of Korea. KBAM is one of the oldest and most established asset managers in Korea. The company provides investment management services across all major asset classes and has a wide range of investment products covering various geographic locations and catering to the investment needs of diverse client base, from retail individual investors to sophisticated institutional investors like pensions and life insurance companies. KB Financial Group KB Financial Group Inc. is the largest and perhaps most trusted financial organization in Korea. It was established on September 29, 2008 on the base of Kookmin Bank, a country's largest bank, and its subsidiaries which include companies in brokerage, asset management, life insurance and other major financial sectors. Key figures  254.1bn USD in Total Assets  30,000 employees  26 million customers (Kookmin Bank) (as of May 29, 2009)

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Line 1: seoul
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investment management
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Apache Google Tag Manager
People working at KB Asset Management
Donghee(Peter) Park
Senior Manager, Cross-border investment divison, Infrastructure asset management department
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Sungpil Hong
Head Of Global Real Estate Division
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Kyle Kim
Senior Portfolio Manager
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Barkley (Jae Yeop) Lim
Head of Global Strategy Division
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Inkyu Moon
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Seung Woo Cha
Investment Director
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Elley Jisoo Choung
Global Real Estate Investment Associate
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Sungjun John Oum
General Manager
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Beomjoon Ryu
Head of Global Multi-Asset Division
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Jongha Ryu
Fund Manager
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
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