Kennon Consulting

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Kennon Consulting was founded by me, Aliah Kennon, a devoted business professional with a passion for helping others achieve. I utilize a combination of methodologies, analytics, diligent communication, core metrics, and diverse experience to improve operations, train staff members, and enhance client services across project teams/programs. I am an advocate for learning and knowledge, adept at managing and facilitating workshops and webinars that build and strengthen program competencies. I have a proven track record of applying sound leadership, enthusiasm, and performance management expertise to motivate and drive high-performing teams. It is with keen analytics, communication, and conviction that I provide world-class customer service. I take great pride in learning and growing with my clients to do what it takes to achieve your goals. Let me help you take your business (or idea) to the next level! Services Include: Business Counseling & Solutions Grant Writing Interview Coaching Document Revisions/Editing Drafting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Budget Template(s) Email Template(s) Presentation Template(s) Program or Customer Evaluation Template(s) Training & Development (Webinars, 1x1 coaching, virtual guides, etc.) Ideation/Brainstorming Research Supply Chain Guidance Operations Support Client Management/CRM Support Recruiting Scheduling & Coordination SC Notary Public

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Kennon Consulting's headquarter address
Line 1: Virtual Office, US
Line 2: 49 West Fort Dade Avenue
Kennon Consulting's industries
management consulting
People working at Kennon Consulting
Aliah Kennon, PMPĀ®
Founder & CEO
Yorktown Post Office, North Dakota, United States
Angelica Cirstoc
Andrea Wong
Managing Director
Derek Thong
You can find 4 people working at Kennon Consulting on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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