KF invest & consulting

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KFinvest is a strategy consulting firm that offers four major capabilities to its clients: strategy, operations & organizational development, marketing and sales consulting and Training. Our vision is to be the main actor of the transformation of the Guinean SMEs and SMIs in successful and very active companies on the sub-regional market. We assist our customers (companies) on three levers: a good strategic positioning on their market, the choice of the valuable resources and an the effective and efficient management process. Our mission is to support SMEs in the definition and implementation of their growth and development strategy by providing relevant solutions.

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management consulting
People working at KF invest & consulting
Ibrahima kalil KABA
Founder & CEO
Conakry, Conakry Region, Guinea
Hadiara Diaby
Assistante de Direction
Conakry, Conakry Region, Guinea
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