KicksBySammy, LLC

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KicksBySammy, LLC was created by an emerging artist in search of new and exciting canvases. For Samantha Handler, paper is never enough. After hand-painting University of Maryland sneakers five years ago, she was inundated with requests and KicksBySammy was born. KicksBySammy has since evolved and is now a custom design firm offering a variety of services: visual installations (storefronts, murals), event/party artwork, custom painted/printed products, custom promotional/ client gifting products, corporate freelance design work, and college/camp products. Handler's work is continuously commissioned by top companies. Her most recent collaborations include Coca-Cola, CBRE- Commercial Real Estate, Tractenberg & Co PR, Spiaggia Restaurant, Sojern, and custom kicks for celebrity Justice Smith. You can check out her work and installations in person at various locations: 940 N Michigan Avenue Chicago 444 N Michigan Ave Chicago 1111 Lincoln Rd Miami 1656 Lenox Ave Miami 9735 Traville Gateway Drive, MD For more information, visit kicksbysammy.com or stay connected on Instagram by following @kicksbysammy

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Line 1: 111 e 34th st, new york, us
Line 2: 111 E 34th St
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graphic design
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People working at KicksBySammy, LLC
Samantha Handler
Founder + Artist
New York, New York, United States
Joshua Handler
Business Manager
Charlotte Gold
Social Media and Graphic Design Intern
New York, New York, United States
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