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KierDan Consultants Ltd
Business Continuity Consultants Every business has its breaking point. No matter how big or small your business is, you need to have plans in place to ensure that you can still operate if you are affected by incidents or disasters. At KierDan Consultants we can use our experience and expertise to evaluate the potential impact to your business and put plans in place to ensure that you can continue to do business the way you need to.
- website: http://www.kierdan.co.uk
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/kierdan-consultants-ltd
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People working at KierDan Consultants Ltd
Chris Aldred
Managing Director
Adeola Britt
Inbound Customer Service Representative
You can find 2 people working at KierDan Consultants Ltd on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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