Kigema Sp. z o.o.

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We are a team of engineers, technicians and top-class experts. Our assets include a well-organised production site and full mastery of the technology and processes. Kigema is proud of its almost 30 years of experience with thousands of projects realised for European and North American customers. Kigema is a certified supplier for many multinational groups from the power generation, marine construction and transport sectors. Kigema owns Hohenlimburger Handelsgesellschaft mbH and Heinrich Brinkmann Federn und Drahtwaren GmbH. Our qualifications and operating philosophy result in reliable products and the capacity to deliver even the most complex projects that comply with our customers' strict requirements. Kigema applies centrifugal casting to produce bushes, rings and sleeves sing all copper and aluminium alloys covered by global, European (German DIN EN 1982:1998-12) and Polish casting standards, and using special alloys too. Materials used include bronze, aluminium bronze, lead bronze, special bronze, brass and aluminium alloys. Kigema's bushings are usually used in all types of presses, bearings, worm gears, slide bearings, cone crushers etc. Business from power, wind through mining up to marine and offshore as well. Also sleeves and plain bearings are in our scope of works and some kinds of special springs. Our specialty are large size centrifugal casting of bushes, rings and sleeves: Diameters range: 80 -2450 mm, Minimum wall thickness: 10 mm, Maximum length : 1000 mm,

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People working at Kigema Sp. z o.o.
Marek Zengteler
Sales & Business Development Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Rafal Godoj
Investor and CEO
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Mateusz Malinowski
Commercial Director
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Marcin Gędziorowski
Production Manager
Lukasz Ziob
Co-owner / Board Member
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Viktor Kozhukhivskyi
Tokarz CNC
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Grzegorz Arent
Mistrz zmianowy - Tokarz CNC
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Wojciech Orłowski
Inżynier produkcji
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Maja Jagodzińska
Specjalista ds. kadr i płac
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Dawid Szewczyk
Operator maszyn CNC
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
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