Kingwest Resources Limited

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Kingwest Resources Limited is a mining and exploration company focused primarily on gold exploration in the Eastern Gold Fields Region of Western Australia. It is aggressively exploring its 100% owned Menzies and Goongarrie Projects located north of Kalgoorlie. Historic production at the Menzies goldfield totalled +800,000oz at 19 g/t Au including 650,000oz at 22.5 g/t Au from underground prior to 1950; and 150,000oz @ 2.6g/t Au from open cuts in the 1990's. The Menzies Project has current JORC Resources of 320koz @ 2.1 g/t Au - this is an increase of 87% in the past 12 months under Kingwest ownership. ​

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People working at Kingwest Resources Limited
Dean Vallve
Chief Operating Officer
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
Steve Brockhurst
Ashok Parekh
Non Executive Board Member
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
Andrea McLure
Exploration Geologist
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
Jane O'Neill
Environmental Advisor
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
Elizabeth Laursen
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
Daniel Rafferty
Junior Geologist
Daglish, Western Australia, Australia
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