Kiremko B.V.

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Kiremko is a Dutch company, fully dedicated to deliver total solutions for the potato processing industry. Kiremko designs, manufactures and installs complete processing lines, factory upgrades and capacity expansions, as well as stand-alone equipment. Kiremko offers reliable, turnkey solutions from raw product receiving systems right up to the packaging lines for end products such as French fries, potato flakes, fresh/pre-cooked potatoes, potato chips and more. Our services include project management, (pre-)engineering activities, utility engineering and process support. Our technology is innovative, solid and always designed to your specific requirements. Kiremko is active worldwide with an exclusive network of local support offices in the UK, Russia, India, China and dedicated agents elsewhere. Kiremko believes in the benefits of strong partnerships. For many years, we have actively developed relationships with suppliers of specialist equipment and components to join forces in order to offer you the best and latest technology available in the market. The cooperation between Kiremko, Idaho Steel, Reyco Systems, Tolsma Techniek and our other partners is an excellent source for all your processing needs.

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People working at Kiremko B.V.
Gemma Smolders
Manager Product Ontwikkeling (a.i.)
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Marcel van Huissteden
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Martijn B.
IT Manager
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dion Dijkshoorn
Project Leader Innovation
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Frans van Lint
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Gernand Roeszing
Hoofd Inkoop
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Maarten R.
Project Manager
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Nicole Peters
Manager Communication and Sustainability
Gerrit Verweij
Senior Product Specialist
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Robbert Hoogland
Manager Aftersales and Spare Parts
Montfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
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