KISM Limited

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KISM means QUALITY and KISM LIMITED has a mission to glorify health & beauty. KISM Limited is a Personal Care & Home Care company based in Tanzania. KISM has a large portfolio of products segments such as Beauty & Grooming Segment, Homecare Segment & Beverage Segment. Our brands currently include KISM Beauty Soaps, KISM Body Cream, KISM Body Lotions, KISM Multipurpose Liquid Cleaner, Wash Dishwashing Paste & Sutho Laundry Detergent. Based in Tanzania, KISM is a vibrant company with bold ambitions. We are constantly innovating to delight our customers with more exciting and superior quality products at an affordable price. KISM Limited is also looking for long-term relationships with global principals and customers. We have an ability to develop and grow businesses in multiple geographies including challenging territories with high growth prospects. One of our core competencies is an ability to leverage systems and best practices across our chosen business segments. We have a passion for quality, not just for our products but in everything we do. We believe together we can create a better future and help people look good, feel good with brands that are good for them.

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