KMA Global General Trading L.L.C is dedicated in using its resources to gain market share aggressively in the years to come. We strive to promote our quality brands with our knowledge of this market place. KMA is ready to take advantage of new challenges to come, while expanding and strengthening to new horizons of our business. KMA market coverage is supplied with approximately 8000 establishments includes Carrefour, Hyper markets, Safeer market, lulu markets other supermarkets and groceries, horeca trade and whole sellers directly. Our staff is composed of knowledgeable professionals with ample experience in the sales, marketing and distribution business. We provide constant training and support to our sales force providing them with the backup required to penetrate this market place while increasing our client base daily and keeping the old clients always satisfied of our quality service.KMA marketing philosophy and strategy is totally focused on innovation and service. Market penetration at all levels has and will continue to be at the core of its activities. KMA positioned with an assortment of SKU's dominating the competition. Our marketing campaign will continuously have monitored to ensure that each brand is uniquely positioned and targeting its intended audience.
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