University of Copenhagen

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PRIVACY POLICY at the University of Copenhagen: https://informationssikkerhed.ku.dk/english/protection-of-information-privacy/privacy-policy/ With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. The purpose of the University – to quote the University Statute – is to 'conduct research and provide further education to the highest academic level'. Approximately one hundred different institutes, departments, laboratories, centres, museums, etc., form the nucleus of the University, where professors, lecturers and other academic staff, as well as most of the technical and administrative personnel, carry out their daily work, and where teaching takes place. These activities take place in various environments ranging from the plant world of the Botanical Gardens, through high-technology laboratories and auditoriums, to the historic buildings and lecture rooms of Frue Plads and other locations.

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Line 1: Blegdamsvej 3B, Copenhagen N, Capital Region, DK, 2200
Line 2: 3B Blegdamsvej
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