Kongsberg Automotive

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Kongsberg Automotive provides cutting-edge technology to the global vehicle industry. We drive the global transition to sustainable mobility by putting engineering, sustainability, and innovation into practice. Headquartered in Zurich, with revenues of over EUR 885 million (2023), the company has approximately 5,300 employees in 18 countries. Our product portfolio includes driver and motion control systems, fluid assemblies, and industrial driver interface products. Find more information at: kongsbergautomotive.com

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Kongsberg Automotive's headquarter address
Line 1: Europaallee 39, Zurich, Zurich 8004, CH
Line 2: 39 Europaallee
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Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Google Maps Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Remote SuccessFactors (SAP) Vimeo
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