Korea Investment Corporation

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KIC is the Sovereign Wealth Fund which is launched with a view to enhance sovereign wealth and contribute to the development of the domestic financial industry. KIC is mandated to manage assets entrusted by the Government and the Bank of Korea. KIC strives to preserve long-term purchasing power of the assets entrusted and exceed investment target return within justifiable level of the risk through investing well-diversified, foreign currency denominated assets transacted in the international capital markets. The foremost mission of KIC is to increase the long-term purchasing power of sovereign wealth by efficiently managing the country’s public funds. As more assets are entrusted to its care, KIC aims to grow into Korea’s premier investment management company specializing in overseas investing.

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Korea Investment Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: 250 W 55th St, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10019, US
Line 2: 250 W 55th St
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investment management
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People working at Korea Investment Corporation
Jinsuk Choi
Head of Sustainable Investment Team
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Jintae Kim, CFA
Managing Director, Head of Private Equity
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Matthew Perowne
Fund Manager & Equity Analyst
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Yuinyon Kim
Senior Director
Jae Kim
Head of Global Fund
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Sunho Hwang
Fund Manager
Ho Gyun Kim
Senior director, private equity
Joe Kong
Senior Equity Portfolio Manager
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Changwon LEE
Senior Manager
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Kang Hyun Lee
Senior Director
Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
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