KPMG, Microsoft Business Solutions Malta

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KPMG's Microsoft Business Solutions team (previously known as KPMG Crimsonwing) origins date back to 1996 when it first started providing professional services to clients, supporting with the design, delivery and support of compelling solutions to help with their business opportunities and challenges. Today, as KPMG's dedicated Microsoft Dynamics practice we exist to deliver your technology led business transformation. Applying our business best practice and deep experience of technology to your digital transformation programme, we can help you make a step change in performance and lay the foundations for future innovation and growth.

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People working at KPMG, Microsoft Business Solutions Malta
Stefan Sammut
Senior Technical Architect
Marsa, Malta
Carmel Gafa
Head of Intelligent Cloud
Marsa, Malta
Kundan Prakash
Director and Delivery Centre Head
Deepak Amera
Senior Technical Architect/Manager
Marsa, Malta
❄ Amit Khanna ❄
Techinal Architect
Marsa, Malta
Ashutosh Bhatte
Senior Analyst Programmer | Devops
Marsa, Malta
Sayak Chattopadhyay
Senior Analyst Programmer
Marsa, Malta
Bruno Cochet
KPMG MBS Global Client centres head & MBS Malta GM
Nicola Ebejer
Talent Acquisition Manager
Marsa, Malta
Warren Johnson
Technical Architect
Marsa, Malta
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