KTT Pharmatech

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KanTaaiTi Pharmatech is an acknowledged manufacturer and exporter of quality Tablet Tools, Compression Spare Parts, Polishing Kit, Inspection Kit, and Storage Cabinet required for Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Nutritional and Confectionery industries. Recognized for delivering excellent tablet tool products, KanTaaiTi Pharmatech was established with an aim to set a new benchmark in Punch and Die industry. Empowered by experience that spans over a decade and a half, in-depth industry insights and technical knowledge, we continuously strive to develop groundbreaking solutions and improvements in our own manufacturing processes and for the entire tablet tool industry. We, at KanTaaiTi Pharmatech, strive to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency and effectiveness in the management and operation of our company in order to deliver our best. In doing so, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to upgrading and updating ourselves with the latest technology. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, well-trained engineering team and dedicated production crew enable us to offer competitive price without compromising on quality. With specialized technological access and services, we are capable enough to surpass every sphere of our customer's demands. We are at the forefront of research and development in the areas of steel types, punch coatings and tool designs. This empowers us to deliver best of the best Tablet Tools possible. The legacy of quality that has been created by our organization today, is achieved by the professionally equipped and expert staff and high-quality norms set by the management, who have a vast experience in the field of engineering tablet tool science. The tablet tools manufactured by us have an excellent surface finish. Resultantly, it enhances the tablet produced in terms of appearance as well as accuracy. The highest grade raw material used for manufacturing also adds to the life of the tablet tools.

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Parth Parikh
Application Engineer
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
Akshata Sankhe
Sales Engineer
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
Nidhi Upadhyay
Admin Manager
Rutik Parte
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
Siddhesh Gurav
Quality Control Inspector
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
Samir Kochrekar
Tablet tooling
Mariusz Wies
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
Emam Baabu
Vasai Virar, Maharashtra, India
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