KW Comms Ltd

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KW Comms offers bespoke marketing and communication services that are uniquely tailored to support the creation of a personalised marketing strategy which focuses on sharing your individual brand story. My services are completely adaptable, enabling me to work with both individual people and businesses, whether on a small or large scale. Every project is different. But whatever it is you need, I've got your back. Stories sell. It's what I base my marketing consultancy on. And as a freelance strategic marketing director, there are many digital marketing services I offer which can help you find your own brand story. These include: creative copywriting, content marketing and social media strategy creation, ghost writing and editing services, and personal and professional development to support you in getting your brand where you want it to be - right at the forefront of the minds of your target audience. Get in touch with me today to book a free consultation, and let's explore the ways I can help you.

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KW Comms Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: London, GB
KW Comms Ltd's industries
marketing & advertising
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Gmail Google Apps Typekit Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Google Analytics Squarespace ECommerce
People working at KW Comms Ltd
Keeley Walker
Founder / CEO / CMO
London, England, United Kingdom
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