La Chinata Majadahonda

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Since 2010 in La Chinata Majadahonda in the northwest of Madrid, we have been dedicated to the commercialization of La Chinata Extra Virgin Olive Oil, being the base of a great variety of Gourmet and Cosmetic products, "to take care of ourselves inside and out". Being our responsibility to improve the well-being of people by consuming healthy, ecological and natural food together with the best personal care products.

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People working at La Chinata Majadahonda
Juan Pablo Manso Noguerales
Majadahonda, Community of Madrid, Spain
Enrique Caba Oloriz
DueƱo de la franquicia La Chinata Plaza Rio 2
Majadahonda, Community of Madrid, Spain
Rosa Aguado Amores
Gerente de empresa
Majadahonda, Community of Madrid, Spain
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