Lane Pearson Automotive Group Ltd

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Lane Pearson Automotive offers a bespoke level of service to those looking to buy a new or used car or we can locate a car for you through our Research & Find Service. We take pride in supplying vehicles prepared to the highest standards and back them with up with a complete after sales service allowing us to look after you during the sale, whilst not forgetting you for servicing and repairs as well. Even during difficult economic times, we continue to create innovative solutions to make it all happen, including offering a wide range of finance solutions that are tailor-made to your individual requirements. If you, your friends, or any of the family want to be looked after by a company that takes pride in the vehicles that it supplies, then please give us a call. From a Fiesta to a Ferrari, there is no better place to buy a car from than Lane Pearson.

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People working at Lane Pearson Automotive Group Ltd
Andy Lane
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Louis H
Freelance sales
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Ray Jubber
Sales Manager
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
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