LBS Social Impact Investing Fund

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Student Impact Investing Fund (SIIF) at the London Business School, a student-led initiative founded in 2018, sources and conducts due diligence on seed-stage companies with venture-grade growth potential and measurable social impact at the core of their business model. SIIF's investment teams are comprised of graduate business students under leadership from second-year MBA's. Through a highly selective process, teams are chosen based on commitment, experience, and industry knowledge. SIIF - LBS complements investment teams with support from the Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the AQR Asset Management Institute, as well as the larger LBS network of academic experts and alumni practitioners. SIIF - LBS leverages the considerable experience and diversity of its investment teams to manage a rigorous investment process and provide value-added support to investee companies. SIIF - LBS participates in the MBA Impact Investing Network & Training program, a joint educational venture through Bridges Fund Management's Impact+ team and the Wharton Social Impact Initiative. LBS teams have placed "first runner-up" in 2016 and 2018 competing against other top global business schools.

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People working at LBS Social Impact Investing Fund
Cristian Pistone, CFA
Co President
Clara Moreno Sanchez
Investing & Sourcing
Maria Theophanous
Operations Lead
Juhi Abdul Latif Vasanwala
Investments Lead
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