Leav – Quit Smarter

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Our vision is making quitting easy and fun. Leav's digital tools are instruments in precision medicine, making quitting smarter the new reality for addiction care. We're a digital health startup prototyping solutions for substance use disorder patients to crush cravings, reduce relapses and reward rewires. Our team of ex-addicts, doctors and care system collaborators integrates new scientific evidence from digital phenotyping, behavioral design and psychotherapy to build precision medicine technology. Our patient-centered app uses digital biomarkers (such as sleep, agitation and geolocation) to trigger interactions, interventions and challenges based on CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) and MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress-reduction. Particular emphasis is on (1) interactions providing daily structure, self-reflection, community and fun; (2) interventions against crises such as cravings and relapses; and (3) challenges to break unhealthy – and form healthier behaviors. We expect to increase the standard of care with easier access to help and better integration into existing solutions. Higher retention is achieved by decimating relapses, and larger long-term treatment success that results in a higher quality of life – and an altogether smoother recovery journey. That's us, Leav - Quit Smarter: The App against Addictions. Come join us on our mission to become a new game-changing paradigm for substance-use disorders treatments worldwide.

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mental health care
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People working at Leav – Quit Smarter
Dr. Milosz Paul Rosinski
Founder and CEO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jan Brebaum
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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