Ledstores Europe

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We have multiple (international) webshops, all focused on LED lightning. We're here since 2012 and are therefore still young. But we certainly aren't infancy anymore. Ledstores is growing fast and because of its success we managed to achieve some great nominations and awards! Next to that, we find it important that everything we do leaves a positive impact on our planet and its people. So everyday we get our young and vibrant team together to create a green living in a more sustainable world. In this line, for every 100 orders that we ship we plant a tree in the Kibale National Park in Oeganda but also in the Netherlands!

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Ledstores Europe's headquarter address
Line 1: 53 veemarkt, amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands
Line 2: 53 Veemarkt
Ledstores Europe's industries
Consumer Goods
Ledstores Europe's technology
Apache Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Linkedin Marketing Solutions Mobile Friendly WordPress.org
People working at Ledstores Europe
Kevin Roos van Raadshooven
Head of E-commerce
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Kemal Tas
✔Managing Director
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Gabriella Benjamin
Business Operations Manager
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Maëva B.
Content Marketeer l Fr Market
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Matt Tang
Finance and Operational Buyer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Nicolas Lubbers
Operational Buyer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Alaya Barends
Content manager
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Michel de Koning
Warehouse Manager
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Saar van Nieuwenhuizen
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Tugba A.
Content marketeer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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