LEITEK Innovative Solutions

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LEITEK Innovative Solutions is a technological company that is part of the Portuguese ecosystem of companies of the Industrial and Technological Defense Base (IDD platform) with partnerships with manufacturers of world reference in the technological areas in which it develops its business, to meet the current requirements from the market. LEITEK develops its activity in the commercialization of products, in the development and supply of turnkey solutions in sectors of activity with high growth potential, together with the business opportunities provided by the accelerated digital transformation of the world and by technological advancement. As an Operator of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAS), another area of ​​high relevance in LEITEK's activity is in the provision of aerial survey services by drone with a focus on mapping and post processing of data captured by drone with advanced analytics. In all areas of activity we make extensive use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, either in the systemWe are exclusive representatives of INSIGHT ROBOTICS, fin Europe, within the scope of all the cutting edge technology available, in the area of ​​early detection of fires. We represent the first solution in the world capable of identifying a fire with only 2 square meters, within a 5km radius.

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