
Leprastichting (NLR)

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NLR is committed to creating a world free of the suffering caused by leprosy. Founded in 1967, this Dutch organisation is now an international forerunner in leprosy control. NLR combats leprosy via early detection, treatment and rehabilitation, and works on removing the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from independent participation in society. Origins of NLR In the 1960s, Mrs Francisca Anten visited Tanzania to see her son who worked in a hospital there. The situation of the leprosy patients shocked her. Her son asked her to help him establish a clinic for leprosy patients, who were not accepted in general hospitals. She started fundraising at local businesses, grabbed every opportunity to speak in public, met people like Doctor Leiker, and founded NLR. Mission and vision By 2040, leprosy will have been brought under control everywhere in the world. Every patient will be diagnosed and treated swiftly so the disease will no longer create disabilities. People who are already disabled will be participating in society as fully and as independently as possible. Strategy NLR has 6 strategic priorities • Preventative health care • Public health • Human rights • Neglected tropical diseases • Capacity development • Disability

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Line 1: wibautstraat 137, k, amsterdam, north holland 1097dn, nl
Line 2: 137 Wibautstraat
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People working at Leprastichting (NLR)
Femke Ruinaard
Head of Fundraising and Communications
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Inge Klaassen
Head of Programmes, Research and Partnerships
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Jessica de Gier
Database marketeer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Stephen Labib
International Communications Advisor & Brand Manager
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Evelien Bongers
Lid Raad van Toezicht | member Supervisory Board
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Denise Go-Feij
Vice-Voorzitter Raad van Toezicht en Lid Audit Committee
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Florence Taaka
Partnership Development Officer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Leonie de Vries
Online marketeer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Barry Jager
Relatiemanager bijzondere giften en nalatenschappen
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Jan Pater
Head of Organizational Department and Finance
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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