Levine Hearing

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Levine Hearing is locally owned by Madison Levine, a second-generation hearing provider. A graduate of the University of Georgia, she apprenticed under the President of the North Carolina Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters Board before opening her own practice in South Charlotte. Services include diagnostic audiological testing, selection of hearing devices, treatment planning, fitting, programming and all follow-up care. As an independent practice, Levine Hearing is able to repair and clean ANY brand of hearing aid and can program and take over care for most.

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Levine Hearing's headquarter address
Line 1: 3135 springbank ln, charlotte, north carolina 28226, us
Line 2: 3135 Springbank Ln
Levine Hearing's industries
Medical Practice
Levine Hearing's technology
Hearing Tests Tinnitus Treatment Hearing Aid Selection and Sales Hearing Aid Repairs
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