Lex Integra Professional Corporation

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Lex Integra PC was started in mid-2019 by Amee Sandhu, a business lawyer for over 20 years in Ontario. In April 2020, Lex Integra earned its Pending B Corp certification, a certification level for start-up businesses ( We help organizations solve their commercial law and integrity risks in five (5) main ways: 1) we can provide you with fractional general counsel or in-house counsel services 2) we can handle commercial negotiations for you, or assist you as you lead them 3) we can design, assess or implement an ethics and compliance program for your organization, in whole or in part. This could be policies, code of ethics, investigations, risk assessments, or conflicts of interest. 4) we can help you incorporate and set up your B Corp, as well as other corporate work 5) training training training! Let us know what kind of training needs in the above areas.

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Lex Integra Professional Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: Toronto, Ontario, CA
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legal services
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People working at Lex Integra Professional Corporation
Amee Sandhu
CEO, Founder and Principal Lawyer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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