LFW Media

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LFW Media is a London-based copywriting and SEO agency - we use words to help you achieve your goals. We work closely with Design, PR and Marketing agencies to get the job done. Our work is bespoke and beautiful. Some benefits of working with LFW Media: - We have over 50 writers - We can meet short deadlines - Our rates are competitive - It's always better to have more than one person on a copywriting job, you have this benefit working with an agency - We are more flexible than fulltime copywriters / individual freelancers - Our combined experience is significantly greater than any full-time copywriter - We can do more work than an individual copywriter within any given timeframe - We have partners in marketing, PR, web development and design - We are fantastic at what we do. We offer: - Website Copywriting - Blog/Article Writing - SEO Copywriting - SEO Consulting - Planning and Strategy - Advertising - Emails and Newsletters - White Paper - Technical Content Writing - Tone of Voice

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Line 1: london, london ec1v2nx, gb
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marketing & advertising
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GoDaddy Hosting
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