Life Cycle Assessment @ ZHAW

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Our commitment to research and education contributes to integrate life cycle thinking as a basis for ecological decisions in science, business, politics and society. The Life Cycle Assessment Research Group is part of the Institute for Environment and Natural Resources (IUNR), which is affiliated with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). We quantify and evaluate environmental impact over the entire life cycle of a products, services technologies, and systems according to scientific criteria. This impact assessment plays a key role in the sustainability optimisation of processes, products and services. It also serves to evaluate different systemic concepts and strategies and to communicate environmental benefits. The research group contributes towards the further development of LCA methodology and applies it in various subject areas, focusing on projects in the fields of nutrition, energy, health, and digitisation.

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People working at Life Cycle Assessment @ ZHAW
Matthias Stucki
Head of the Life Cycle Assessment Research Group
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
René Itten
Research Associate
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Silvan Wanner
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Regula Keller
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Alena Frehner
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Hanna K.
Project Specialist
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Sabine Frei
Mitarbeiterin (ATP), IUNR, Forschungsgruppe Ökobilanzierung
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Jan-Reto Abplanalp
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
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