LifeBack Investing Club LLC

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The idea behind LifeBack Investing Club is to empower others to create a life they love living by building a prosperous real estate investing business while feeling they are part of a support community and create a bond with like-minded individuals. We are Cari Skrdla and Rosa Long, the founders of LifeBack Investing Club. We have a combined experience of over 30 years in business. We've experienced first-hand that it is POSSIBLE to create wealth with real estate while pursuing our bigger WHY and have a POSITIVE impact on the lives of others. We created this group for individuals to have a place to learn real estate investing without going to some weekend boot camp where you keep getting upsold. We have created a place where people can come weekly and meet in person with other like-minded investors. We have weekly masterminds where we do deals (wholesaling, fix and flips, buy and holds, and others) it's amazing what happens when you fill a room with people that all are hungry for success.

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LifeBack Investing Club LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: Gilbert, Az
LifeBack Investing Club LLC's industries
real estate
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People working at LifeBack Investing Club LLC
Dr. Cari Skrdla
Chief Executive Officer
Gilbert, Arizona, United States
Kimberly Gomez
Executive Assistant
Gilbert, Arizona, United States
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