Lifetime Brands Europe

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Cook. Serve. Enjoy. With over 7000 products covering cooking, serving and enjoying categories, and big brands that inspire the most important life moments that happen inside the home, if you're looking for that one thing you can't find, the chances are that we have it. Lifetime Brands Europe (KitchenCraft) supplies a constant stream of high quality and inspiring products worldwide, covering all key kitchenware, tabletop, lifestyle and gift categories. Innovation is fundamental to our business and our mission is to inspire with our trend-driven brands. We are proud to be award winning, whether that's for our products or for the service we provide. All made possible by passionate, talented and service driven people who are at the heart of the company.

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Lifetime Brands Europe's headquarter address
Line 1: plumbob house, valepits road, garretts green, birmingham, west midlands, united kingdom
Line 2: Valepits Road
Lifetime Brands Europe's industries
Lifetime Brands Europe's technology
Atlassian Cloud BigCommerce Bronto DNS Made Easy Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Google Font API Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Tag Manager Gravity Forms Hotjar Klaviyo Linkedin Marketing Solutions Listrak MailChimp Mailchimp Mandrill Mobile Friendly Rackspace MailGun Remote Sendgrid Shopify Shopify Product Reviews Typekit VueJS WP Engine WordPress.org YouTube reCAPTCHA
People working at Lifetime Brands Europe
Dominic Bostock
Marketing Executive
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Gary Marshall
Operations Director
Mark Fitzgerald
Product Director
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Aimee Elliot AIEMA
Creative / Trend & Insight Director / Sustainability Strategy Leader
Jonathan Forrester-Cliffe
Ecommerce Director
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Haylea Smith
Merchandising Director
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Emma Lewis-Jones
Product Director
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Tom Chattaway
Digital Manager
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Rachel Pope
Buyer and Product Developer
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Nick Quin
Procurement Specialist
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
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