Livi UK

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Livi's mission is to build better, more accessible healthcare for everyone. Our service is used by more than 4,500 GP practices in the UK, and through partnerships with the NHS, enables more than six million patients to see a GP and other health professionals by video consultation, free at the point of use, on their smartphone, tablet or computer. Our GMC-registered Livi GPs can provide medical advice, prescriptions, fit notes and referrals to further NHS services. In areas without an NHS partnership, patients can access Livi’s GPs on a pay-as-you-go basis. Livi is rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission, and is the highest-rated digital health app in the iOS App Store with a rating of 4.9. Livi is the UK arm of Kry, Europe's leading digital healthcare company.

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Livi UK's headquarter address
Line 1: london
Livi UK's industries
Hospitals and Health Care
Livi UK's technology
Digital Healthcare Primary Care Urgent Care
People working at Livi UK
Simon Lucas
Deputy Managing Director
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Ada Deloughry
Head Of Marketing
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Karl Stocks
Commercial Director Public Payer
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
George Jones
Director of Mental Health
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Bobby Ghayouri
Head of Marketing
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Susan Saunders-Jørgensen
Head of Marketing (B2B)
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Roxanne Voskeritchian
CRM Growth Manager
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Christopher Shaw
Engineering Manager
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Tony Yates
UK Director of R&D
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Andrea Giacchetta
Operations Administrator
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
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