LivIT is dedicated to using Open Source Software & SaaS to improve the cost & effectiveness of Healthcare Information Technology. LivIT's initial product offerings are a LivIT RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) and LivIT PHM (Population Health Management). LivIT also offers OSS consulting (Drupal, Node.js, etc), hosting, and support via Zivtech. For LivIT RPM we connect with wireless & bluetooth enabled devices in a patient's home, we then monitor the data for abnormal/unhealthy measurements as well as non-compliance with defined treatments via LivIT PHM. We believe that there are immediate opportunities for this type of software in both the post-acute care and remote patient-centered care service spaces. We will likely use a SaaS model for RPM, gamification, mobile platforms, etc and will license the EHR / PHM portion of our system as Open Source, giving away the code and database for free while charging for hosting, support, design, and new features.
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