Los Angeles Unified School District

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Second largest school district in the nation, LAUSD enrolls 640,000+ students in kindergarten through 12th grade, at over 900 schools, and 187 public charter schools. The boundaries spread over 720 square miles and include the mega-city of Los Angeles as well as all or parts of 31 smaller municipalities plus several unincorporated sections of Southern California. The mission of LAUSD is reflected in continued double-digit growth on the state Academic Performance Index (API); the upward trend in the graduation rate, progress in the pass rate on the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and other academic indicators. LA schools boast more winners of the United States Academic Decathlon championships-12-than any other District in this country. Add to those impressive victories, outstanding individual student and team achievements in: science, mathematics, social studies, language arts, foreign and dual languages, business and entrepreneurial skills, the visual and performing arts, and athletics. Nationally recognized by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for serving healthy, low fat and vegetarian school lunches. LAUSD's standards also call for: whole grains, low sodium, locally grown fruits and vegetables and no trans fat; flavored milk or carbonated beverages. Today, the District counts more than 115 new schools and campuses, thanks to the nation's largest public works project, funded by bond measures, a testament to broad voter support.

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Los Angeles Unified School District's headquarter address
Line 1: 333 S Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017, US
Line 2: 333 South Beaudry Avenue
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People working at Los Angeles Unified School District
Varouj Seuylemezian
Senior Director Information Technology
Los Angeles, California, United States
Rayfung Tung, MSCS,PMP,CISSP
Director of IT, Network Operations
Los Angeles, California, United States
Daphne Congdon
Director of Information Technology, Finance & Administration
Los Angeles, California, United States
Kimberly Frelow
Work Based Learning Coordinator | Linked Learning Program/Career Tech Ed
Los Angeles, California, United States
Soheil Katal
Chief Information Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jack Kelanic
Senior Administrator, IT Infrastructure
Los Angeles, California, United States
Sophia Mendoza
Director, Instructional Technology Initiative
Los Angeles, California, United States
Brian Briggs
Director Of Technology
Kevin J Fleming, Ph.D.
Innovation & Strategic Development Specialist
Sharon Davis
President and CEO
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