LPeC - Listed Private Capital

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LPeC represents listed private capital, including listed private equity funds, debt funds and other multi-asset managers. LPeC provides its members with a platform that reflects the listed private capital markets, aligns it with the broader capital markets and gives a strong platform to engage with investors and other market participants. LPeC aims to be the leading international platform for listed private capital funds providing a platform and network to deepen the understanding of diverse investment strategies, performance and attractiveness to public market investors. LPeC was established to deepen public market investor understanding of listed private equity, the investment case for the asset class and as a platform to access investors. In line with market developments, evolving investment strategies and the attractiveness of private capital markets, LPeC's purpose is to be the leading international platform for listed private capital funds providing a platform and network to deepen the understanding of diverse investment strategies, performance and attractiveness to public market investors.

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People working at LPeC - Listed Private Capital
Deborah Botwood Smith
Chief Executive Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Joakim Frimodig
Board Member
London, England, United Kingdom
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