LT Foods Europe

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For over 50 years, LT Foods has been delivering consistent quality in every basmati rice grain around the globe. LT Foods Europe is the next venture for the multinational rice expert. LT Foods' goal in Europe is to enlarge its private label business, expand its retail and HoReCa network, and increase brand equity for its flagship brand Daawat in the European market. Daawat, a brand synonymous with the finest basmati rice. This premium fragrant basmati rice brand has a rich history of over 30 years and is available in over 65 counties worldwide. From farm to fork, this is Daawat's philosophy. Providing the freshest rice with the highest quality. One of the main driving forces for LT Foods growth engine is its involvement with grass root level farming families. The organization deeply believes in in developing a better living condition for the hand that supplies the food. Thus, LT Foods has provided the farming communities with educational centers with computers for children, health camps to improve the community's well-being, a development center for farmers to improve their expertise in crop growing, female empowerment institutions and provide the farming society with safe drinking water.

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People working at LT Foods Europe
Sineenart Chuichulcherm
Head of Procurement and Supply Chain
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Anubha Bajaj
Director Of Sales Marketing
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Nupur Batta
Marketing Manager
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Head Of Engineering
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Aditya Arora
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Bhupesh Bector
Business Development Director
Rachitha Ravishankar
Marketing Manager
Prateek Bhalla
Sr.supply chain analyst
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Aman Kapoor
Supply Chain Support
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Ankita Dave
SAP Manager
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
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