LuckyShareman GmbH

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Successful Influencer Marketing -with Lucky Shareman We bring your brand together with influential opinion makers. We combine emotions, personalities, stories and pictures in order to meet your objectives and let your brand shine. We provide customized solutions with carefully chosen influencer. Our work is dynamic, focused and successful. Consultancy We connect products and strong brands with Instagram influencers. We develop smart concepts of high reach and attention grabbing potential to ensure successful buzz on the social web. # Build-up of Instagram expertise # Plans and strategies for Instagram # Workshops # Influencer meetings # Online research Influencer strategy We connect everything that can be touched or experienced in creative digital concepts. We bring your brand together along with the matching influencers, fans and followers. # Account set-up # Account and communication concepts # Communication and editorial plans # Networking with influencer # Build-up of reach for their own account Influencer Marketing Campaigns We understand brands and use emotional connections for your successful placement in the social networks. We know the matching influencer who connects your brand with the target audience. # Promotion and product placement # Contests and promotions # Instagram event # Qualification, reach for sponsorship projects # Image and usage rights # Communication, control and accounting Our network -The Lucky Shareman - Influencer portfolio For a long time, we maintain contact with selected international influencer. We know opinion maker with quality, individuality and range. We take care of the regular quality assurance through constant contact with our influencer. We make individual contracts and clarify rights to use images, videos and content.

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People working at LuckyShareman GmbH
Bjoern Wenzel
Gründer & Geschäftsführer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Prisca Lauterbach
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Franziska Heinze
Leiter Finanzen und Controlling
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Katharina Backenberg
Leitung Operations & Beratung
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christian Mahr
Projekt- und Performance Marketing Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jacqueline Jarraß
Lead New Business & Business Development und Senior Consultant
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Michael Schierhold
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Darja Schleicher
Campaign Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Stephanie Marie-Anne Tölle
Beraterin Social Media und Influencer Marketing
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Josephine Fikani
Social Media Marketing Consultant
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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