Lufthansa Group

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The Lufthansa Group is an aviation company with operations worldwide. It plays a leading role in its European home market. With 109,509 employees, the Lufthansa Group generated revenue of EUR 32.770m in the financial year 2022. The Passenger Airlines segment includes, on the one hand, the network airlines Lufthansa German Airlines, SWISS, Austrian Airlines and Brussels Airlines. As part of the multihub strategy, they offer their passengers a broad range of flights from their global hubs in Frankfurt, Munich and Zurich as well as their national hubs in Vienna and Brussels. Lufthansa German Airlines also includes the regional airlines Lufthansa CityLine, Air Dolomiti and Eurowings Discover, the Lufthansa Group's holiday airline. Besides the network airlines, Eurowings also belongs to the Passenger Airlines segment. This airline provides a comprehensive range of point-to-point connections for European short-haul destinations, in particular from German-speaking countries. Besides its Passenger Airlines business segment, the Lufthansa Group also comprises aviation services. This includes the Logistics, MRO and Catering segments in particular. The Lufthansa Group also includes the Additional Businesses and Group Functions. These comprise Lufthansa Aviation Training and Lufthansa Systems especially.

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Lufthansa Group's headquarter address
Line 1: venloer strasse 151-153, frankfurt am main, hessen, germany
Line 2: Berger Straße
Lufthansa Group's industries
Airlines and Aviation
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People working at Lufthansa Group
Tamur Goudarzi Pour
Senior Vice President Channel Management
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
James Westgarth
Senior Director Procurement Performance, Systems & Excellence
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Heike Birlenbach
Senior Vice President Customer Experience Lufthansa Group Airlines
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Nima Barraci
Senior Manager Group Digital Strategy, Innovation and Transformation
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Rita Martins
Head of NDC IT
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Joseph van Wyk
Head, International Sales & Services, North America - LSG Group (SkyChefs)
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Elise Becker
Vice President Sales Asia Pacific, Joint Ventures East
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Oliver Bertram
Head of Operations Development Lufthansa Group Airlines
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Stefanie Neumann
Vice President IT Sourcing & IT Infrastructure
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
Olaf Fischer
Head of Supplier Relationship Management
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
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