Lunney Development

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To be relevant and "in the game" in this digital age, virtually every business or not for profit organization must have a presence on the internet. Organizations large or small, need to offer timely and accurate information about their organization (their products and services) via their website, social media or a combination of both. Lunney Development is a cutting-edge website development and social media management company dedicated to helping small businesses establish, enhance and/or manage their online presence to inform and engage their local and/or global customers. We are a small, boutique digital development shop which operates on an associate model which allows Lunney Development to offer high quality professional service at a fraction of the cost it would be for a business to employ a developer and/or social media manager.

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Lunney Development's headquarter address
Lunney Development's industries
information technology & services
People working at Lunney Development
Katie Lunney
New Zion, New Brunswick, Canada
You can find 1 people working at Lunney Development on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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