Macarthur Stroud International

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Macarthur Stroud International provides a range of research and consultancy services addressing key technologies and market developments impacting the different market sectors in a wide range of areas. Our company: • Offers primary research and consultancy services, addressing the needs of users, buyers and channel partners • Addresses the demand-side of the marketing equation understanding the key dynamics of the purchasing process and reasons to buy • Works with the channel and end users to assist vendors and partners in developing channel strategies • Is active in customer profiling, working with our clients to understand the investment priorities for new investments • Analyses new market trends and produce white papers and present at major industry events.

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Macarthur Stroud International's industries
market research
Macarthur Stroud International's technology
Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly
People working at Macarthur Stroud International
Hamish Macarthur
CEO and Founder
Surbiton, England, United Kingdom
James Henderson
Industry Analyst
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