Madeiras Afonso

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We are a Wood Commerce company with 1/4 century working in the following segments: forest exploitation, impregnated wood, wood chips, biomass and more recently we are entering in the world of alimentary wooden packaging! Madeiras Afonso mission is to work on adding value in one of the main resources of our planet, Wood , based on a concept of circular economy and avoiding the use exhaustible resources and linear economies. Provide our consumer with wood-based, natural and renewable products, thus making our contribution to a greener and more sustainable planet. Our vision is intend to be considered a reference company at the national level in terms of forestry exploration and the diversified offer of first-process wood-based products, we intend to form Top Of Mind brands in each segment of activity, together with our partners and customers. Commitment, Resilience, Competence, Speed, Quality, Partnership, Positivism are the values we regulate ourselves by.

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paper & forest products
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People working at Madeiras Afonso
Carlos Rafael Gomes de Freitas
Director de Produção & Manutenção
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Ricardo Pinto
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Luís A.
Gestor de Operações / Compras
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Rui Tavares
Gerente de vendas
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Luís Maia
Analista de dados - Químico Industrial
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Pedro Miguel Larcher Freire
Mecânico industrial/serralheiro mecânico&Civil/
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Joana Cardoso
Engenheira Florestal
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Fátima Gaspar
Operações financeiras
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Tatiana Pedrosa
Contabilidade administrativa
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
Carina Pedrosa
Pombal, Leiria, Portugal
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