Makro Colombia

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We are a multinational company, part of SHV Holdings, born in the Netherlands and with over 20 years in the Colombian market. Since our inception we have innovated and given support to the development of our employees and the country. Today we are the leader of the wholesale industry in Colombia, having over 10,000 SKUs from over 1,200 suppliers that cover 20 stores in 13 cities around the nation, making us one of the 100 biggest companies in Colombia. Our great achievements are due to our constant selection and development of the best talent in the country. We are always looking for the future leaders of our company and if you want to be part of it just follow our posts and don't hesitate to apply if you want a challenging and fulfilling job.

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ASP.NET Amazon SES Bootstrap Framework Bootstrap Framework v3.2.0 DoubleClick Conversion Facebook Custom Audiences Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Dynamic Remarketing Google Remarketing Google Tag Manager JQuery 1.11.1 Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Outlook React YouTube
People working at Makro Colombia
Juan Yepes
Gerente de Marketing
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Leandro Osorio
Chief Technology Officer
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Diana Catherine Ortega
Jefe de Infraestructura ICT
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
David Leonardo Loaiza Valbuena
Chief Financial Officer & IT
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Germán Bello B.
IT Leader
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Francyneth Perilla Buitrago
Directora Asociada de Supply Chain
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Maria Alejandra Becerra Falla
Digital Marketing & E-commerce Analyst
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Xiomara Romero Diaz
Compras internas
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Francisco Javier Díaz Conde
Store General Manger
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
Eric Pell
Marketing & Customer Development Director
Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia
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