Maltese Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity

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MADRE is an independent dispute resolution center set up to mitigate disputes between customers and online gambling operators. Alternative dispute resolution means settling a complaint out of court with the assistance of an impartial dispute resolution body. Resolving consumer disputes this way is easier, faster and less expensive than going to court. According to the MGA Player Protection and ADR Directives every Malta based gambling operator shall offer players the possibility of referring any dispute to a registered ADR entity if the player feels that a dispute was not resolved to his satisfaction. Malta licensed operators can fulfil their legal obligation of providing their customers with access to an Alternative Dispute Resolution by subscribing to the MADRE services. Licensed operators can submit to our ADR services ad hoc or on a subscription basis.

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alternative dispute resolution
People working at Maltese Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
Dr Wolfram Kessler
Chief Executive Officer
Paula Wegert
Paula Elisabeth Rumberger
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