Manchester Satellite Development Group

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Manchester Satellite Development Group is dedicated to the design, build, and launch of satellites. The Group is split into three areas of activity: Manchester CanSat Project, Manchester CubeSat Research Group, and Outreach. These teams take part in competitions, host competitions and provide workshops on satellite engineering. The group is comprised of students at the University of Manchester and provides the bridge between theoretical knowledge learnt in class and practical, hands-on experience.

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Manchester Satellite Development Group's headquarter address
Line 1: Manchester, Greater Manchester
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aviation & aerospace
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People working at Manchester Satellite Development Group
Emma Kirby
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Ahnaf Rahman
Director of UK CanSat
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Adrian-Cristian Dinu
Spacecraft Systems Engineer
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Felix Sesodia
Electrical Lead UK CanSat
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Mahesh K H.
Outreach Officer
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
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