Market Sharx

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From its early conception in 2008 the vision of Market Sharx has been to change the way technology works and to change the status quo on how functional an online service should be. Market Sharx specializes in niche topics and has experience working with Radio Personalities, TV personalities, & several Non-Profit organizations to name a few. Market Sharx also specializes in working one-on-one with entrepreneurs to develop solid strategies and effectively implement those strategies online. Our out of the box thinking helps give our clients the edge over their competition, we don't just build a website or market it we help a brand or product or personality grow to its true potential. Specialties Design, Marketing, Business Development (Strategies) Consulting, Niche Websites, Publishing

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Market Sharx's headquarter address
Line 1: 1280 rue saint marc, montreal, quebec, canada
Line 2: 1280 Rue St-Marc
Market Sharx's industries
marketing & advertising
Market Sharx's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Gmail GoDaddy Hosting Google Apps Google Custom Search Google Font API MailJet Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook reCAPTCHA
People working at Market Sharx
Philip Marano
Business Owner
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Allan Rizzo
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Mark Omneckio
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
John Polaski
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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