Martinrea International

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Martinrea International Inc. is a diversified global automotive supplier, focused on accelerating innovation in metal forming, aluminum casting, fluid systems and flexible assemblies to help automakers meet their lightweight requirements, while at the same time improving a vehicle's overall strength, safety and fuel efficiency. The company employs approximately 18,000 skilled and motivated people at more than 58 manufacturing, engineering and technical centers in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Slovakia, Spain, China, South Africa, and Japan. Their business strategy leverages world-class technologies, motivated and talented people, and high-quality products. Vision: - Making lives better by being the best supplier we can be in the products we make and the services we provide. We make people's lives better by: - Delivering outstanding quality products and services to our customers. - Providing meaningful opportunity, job satisfaction, and job security for our people. - Providing superior long-term investment returns to our stakeholders. - Being positive contributors to our communities.

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Martinrea International's headquarter address
Line 1: 3210 Langstaff Road, Vaughan, Ontario, CA, L4K 5B2
Line 2: 3210 Langstaff Road
Martinrea International's industries
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Martinrea International's technology
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People working at Martinrea International
Jeffrey Hulderman
Global Director of IT
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Stuart F.
Vice President Operations
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Jacquelyn Williams
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Richard Kwik
Director Global Infrastructure
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Ganesh Iyer
Chief Technology Officer
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Frank Barbara
VIce President Operations of Americas
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Paul S. Johnson
Plant MGR 98% retool (turn key) =33 robotic cells / dual role Quality Director (ALL)
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Carlos Rodriguez
Supply Chain Operations Manager
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Elena Mendez
Concord, Ontario, Canada
Christian Perez
Director of Procurement - Metallics BU
Concord, Ontario, Canada
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