Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change at Northwestern University

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The Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change (MSLOC) program at Northwestern University fosters a new way of thinking about organizational issues that enables you to more successfully lead strategic and sustainable change. Our interdisciplinary approach draws upon contemporary research from the fields of learning sciences, cognitive and social psychology, organizational studies and design. We continually seek out new ideas in our core disciplines. The result: You learn theory and practice but also how to continuously develop your expertise. Program options include the master's degree and three, one-year/four course certificate programs: the Designing for Organizational Effectiveness Certificate (DOEC), the Leading Equity and Inclusion in Organizations Certificate (LEIOC), and the Organizational and Leadership Coaching Certificate (OLCC). MSLOC offers all degree and certificate programs in schedule formats designed to meet the demands of working professionals. Our hybrid format (a blend of interactive remote learning and on-campus seminars) allows you to live anywhere in the U.S. while pursuing your MSLOC degree or certificate. Nearly one half of our graduate students live outside of the Chicago area - from California to the east coast.

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People working at Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change at Northwestern University
Eric Fridman
Career Coach
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Kim Bayma
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Bob Tweedie
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Thomas Bassey
MS Learning & Organizational Change Candidate
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Janet Olivo, MSLOC
Adjunct Faculty - Leading Equity & Inclusion in Organizations (LEIOC) Program
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Stephanie Waite
Instructor / SESP Lecturer - MSLOC, Designing Organizational Effectiveness Certificate (DOEC) Mentor
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Teresa Torres
Instructor, Designing Solutions for Organizational Effectiveness
Jinny Strand
Graduate Instructor
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Ahmmad Brown, PhD, MBA
Assistant Professor
Evanston, Illinois, United States
Melinda Turnley
Director of Operations and Academic Services
Evanston, Illinois, United States
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