Maxer Education Institute

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Maxer Education Institute was established in 2015. Since then, we have developed many partnerships between educational institutions between Asia and the UK to increase mutual understanding and collaboration at all levels. Our services ranged from facilitating university's joint degree cooperation, Study Abroad Programme, Cambridge Oxford Summe/Winter Schools, Academics and Professional Training and networking events (International Education Summit, Overseas academics or talent recruitment, Visiting Fellowships & Teaching, Building bridges between UK & Asia, Non-educational cooperation) for students and professionals. Approximately 4000 students from more than 100 universities in Asia have participated in more than 200 residential programmes in the UK that were designed and organised by us; 2 groups of teachers from Asian universities have participated in our Academics and Professional Training Programme co-organised with Clare Hall, University of Cambridge and over 100 representatives from the UK and Asia have attended our Annual International Education Summit.

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Line 1: the guildhall, market hill, cambridge, gb
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People working at Maxer Education Institute
Ruigang Michael Zhou
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Cheri Fung
Operations and Partnerships Manager
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Weijian SHEN
Marketing Director
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