
McMurray Métis (MNA Local 1935)

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Governed under the bylaws of the Métis Nation of Alberta by an elected Local Council, McMurray Métis is accountable to its membership with a mandate to pursue the advancement of the Métis people of Fort McMurray and northeastern Alberta. ∞ www.McMurrayMetis.org ∞ www.twitter.com/McMurrayMetis ∞ www.facebook.com/McMurrayMetis Vision Statement A strong Métis Nation embracing Métis rights. Mission Statement To pursue the advancement of the Métis people of Fort McMurray and northeastern Alberta. Guiding Principles We believe in the National definition of Metis. We believe in continuing to build our foundation for future generations. We believe in fairness and respect for all people. We believe in the need to work in unity and harmony. We believe in Métis participation in building our Nation. We believe in encouraging and assisting Métis people to achieve their goals. We believe in honesty, integrity and professionalism. We believe we will achieve self-government; and We believe in our Métis rights as recognized and affirmed in Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.

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People working at McMurray Métis (MNA Local 1935)
Russell Noseworthy
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Donald Scott KC
Executive Director
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Timothy David Clark, Ph.D
Regulatory Affairs Advisor
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Linda Falstead
Senior Advisor Regulatory Affairs
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Carly Henry
Communications Coordinator
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Maureen Hasinoff
Community Relations and Member Services Administrator
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Janine Bruggeling
Senior Communications Advisor
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Madilyn Hite
Audio Visual Specialist
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Laura Waniandy
Office Manager
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Heather Hagerman
Administrative Assistant
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
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