Media Defence

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Media Defence is an international human rights organisation which provides legal defence to journalists, citizen journalists and independent media around the world who are under threat for their reporting. We work globally, where there is the greatest need. We defend journalists, citizen journalists and media outlets from legal threats that violate the right to freedom of expression so that they can continue to report on issues of public interest. By informing the public and holding power to account, a free press plays an essential role in society. Unfortunately, many journalists come under threat due to their reporting. This is why we provide legal support to ensure they can continue to report on issues of public interest. We are unique in what we do. To date, we are the only organisation in the world solely focused on providing this critical help to journalists.

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Media Defence's headquarter address
Line 1: 330 High Holborn, London, England WC1V 7QT, GB
Line 2: 330 High Holborn
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legal services
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People working at Media Defence
Dorothee Archambault
Development Director
London, England, United Kingdom
David Jones
London, England, United Kingdom
Obi Ofokansi
Finance and Operations Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Laura McCartan
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Jeannette Smith
Fundraising and Communications Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Alinda Vermeer
Chief Executive Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Chivonne Preston
Board Trustee
London, England, United Kingdom
Elisabeth Witchel
Project Coordinator
London, England, United Kingdom
Julie Reintjes
Communications Assistant
London, England, United Kingdom
Hannah Stoate
Training Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
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