MEGA Generation

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MEGA (Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy) is the social entrepreneurial organization focused on delivering services of gamification, serious game development, gamified trainings, and e-learning with environmental and social value. The focus of MEGA is on implementing innovative solutions that address the most pressing environmental and social issues in the world. We succeed in realizing these solutions and in helping other organizations do it through gamification, citizen science, and collaborative environmental governance. The purpose of MEGA is to change how environment protection and sustainable development are done these days. Instead of working with symptoms of environmental and social issues (planting more trees, cleaning up waste, etc., which we also do as part of the MEGA projects), we target the roots of these issues and resources (ideas, solutions, talents, etc.) needed for resolving them. In such way, we serve as collaboration-enabling platform with the set of modern technologies (gamification, e-learning, blockchain, etc.) necessary for system change in nature conservation and sustainable development. MEGA Game is the core product of MEGA. It represents a unique collaboration-enabling platform with elements of gamification that connects people for a sustainable future. MEGA Game works as an advanced project management tool specifically for environmental projects and fieldwork. By using the platform, environmental organizations and Green Tech companies (called Mission Providers) connect with volunteers (called Green Agents), engage and educate them, research existing environmental issues, manage their environmental projects, monitor progress, display positive impact achieved, and report to stakeholders. All this is done in a collaborative space and in a fun, engaging, and motivating way due to elements of gamification integrated into the platform.

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environmental services
MEGA Generation's technology
ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework Gmail GoDaddy Hosting Google Analytics Google Apps Google Font API Google Maps Google Tag Manager Mailchimp Mandrill Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Outlook YouTube
People working at MEGA Generation
Alexandr Iscenco
Co-founder and president; research and development coordinator
Chişinău, Chișinău, Moldova
Cretu Felicia
Community Building and Communication Officer
Chişinău, Chișinău, Moldova
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